The mining division specialises in surface contract mining, which includes drill and blasting, load, haul and dump, material handling, in-pit water management, bulk earthmoving, thin, thick and multiple seam mining, mine spoils rehabilitation, mobile plant maintenance and management services to the mining, quarrying and construction industries. Furthermore, the mining division will often assist its clients by also providing mine design, scheduling and mine planning, infrastructure development, operations and project management, surveying and optimisation services across sub-Saharan Africa

The division offers complete mining services with decades of experience in hard and soft-rock mining, selective mining and material handling in remote and challenging locations. It owns and maintains a fleet of mobile mining equipment that can be deployed to meet clients’ requirements.

Key Contracts

The division offers complete mining services with decades of experience in hard and soft-rock mining, selective mining and material handling in remote and challenging locations. It owns and maintains a fleet of mobile mining equipment that can be deployed to meet clients’ requirements.

  • In South Africa, the business partnership with De Beers Consolidated Mines (Venetia and Voorspoed mines) remains strong. The Venetia contract was extended for the third time for the remaining life of open-pit work (60 months). The contract at the Voorspoed mine has been extended to 2018
  • The Majwe Mining joint venture (MMJV) for Jwaneng mine, in Botswana, cut 8 phase 2 project continued to perform, exceeding the client’s target of 80 million tonnes of waste removal. The project is now entering its final contractual year. Due to geotechnical concerns in the north-eastern corner of the cut 8 pit, however, the area has been quarantined for safety reasons while the mining process is redesigned. MMJV is in discussions with the client to extend the cut 8 project beyond the current contractual period into 2017 to complete waste removal, including the redesigned north-east corner
  • In Namibia, ramp-up on the Tschudi copper mine project exceeded expectations. This is a long-term contract, with completion scheduled for December 2019
  • In South Africa, we established and ramped up our drilling and blasting services at Kalgold mines, owned by Harmony Gold, in the North West province.
  • In Namibia, Basil Read has recently contracted out a fleet of mobile plan equipment to Otjikoto mine which is owned by B2Gold to assist with their production shortfall.
  • Skorpion Mine which is owned by Vedanta Resources Plc, has awarded Basil Read a mining contract in 2017, which Basil Read is responsible of the entire mining operation. The mine is located in town of Rosh Pinah in the Karas Region of Southern Namibia and is currently producing 150 000 tpa of refined zinc.

Case Study

Cut 8, Jwaneng Mine

Completing a contract on time and within budget is an overriding aim for all Basil Read teams. Securing additional work from the same client sets us apart from our competitors, and has become a hallmark of the group over the years.

Basil Read has worked in Botswana since 1986 and operated in various mining sites including, Debswana Orapa, Jwaneng, Damtshaa, and Letlhakane, Mopane Gold, Discovery Metals Limited and Tati Nickel. Basil Read Roads also contributed to Botswana’s road development in projects like, Rakatso, Mokgodisane, Karowe etc.

Basil Read has an in-depth experience in managing projects often in remote sites. From the logistics of moving and scheduling teams and equipment, to the detail of managing employee health and safety, as well as environmental considerations, the group’s reputation for managing operations on behalf of some of the world’s most prestigious mining clients has made it a preferred partner on several sites.

Basil Read has been active on Debswana’s Jwaneng opencast diamond mine for over five years. Located in the southern parts of Botswana, Jwaneng has operated for over 30 years and is the pride of the country’s diamond sector. It is not only one of the largest producers, but also one of the richest diamond mines worldwide.

The pioneering Cut 8 mine expansion began in 2010, with Basil Read Mining working with Bothakga Burrow on Phase 1 to 3 of the project to mine and move 60 million tonnes of waste material over three years. In 2011, Basil Read Mining formed Majwe Mining a three-way joint venture with Thiess international and Bothakga Burrow Mining for Phase 3 of the Cut 8 expansion project mining 156 million cubic metres of material over a five-year contract period.

This expansion will extend Jwaneng’s life to at least 2025 and is expected to yield 100 million carats of diamonds worth some USD15 billion. This would make Jwaneng one of few super pits in the world.

Working closely with our clients, such as at Jwaneng, has helped secure small projects to keep the remaining plant busy for the year. As an example, our 310-tonne and 200-tonne excavators were used to help the client load its fleet while using our smaller fleet in difficult areas to enhance overall performance. Our successful and safe mining methods have elicited both professional comment and formal recognition from the client, given the sensitivity of the rock failure.

Basil Read also operates on various sites around Southern Africa and has an experience in copper, gold, platinum, chrome, uranium, manganese, iron ore and diamond mining.

Our Corporate Social Investment (CSI) strategy and initiatives are distinguished to better reflect our commitment in areas of community social and infrastructure development, sustainable environment commitment, youth development, academic development and sustainable job creation. CSI encompasses projects that are both internal and external to our main business stream, in order to uplift communities around our operating sites.

Respecting the environment is a crucial element of our approach to business. We strive to protect and sustain the environment, and to manage our impacts effectively, when the impacts are unavoidable. Equally, striving for accurate carbon footprint reporting, which helps us to reduce our natural scarce resource consumption.

BRM has an obligation to undertake the mandate of the 2016 UNAIDS gap report by focusing on the prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS in our operations and communities that we operate in. This is achieved by attracting and ensuring that a high proportion of the employees and communities around our operations undertake a Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) for the HIV/AIDS pandemic